15 August 2006

More great new British music!

Hiya people! Hope you've all been well and dandy - happy Tuesday to all of you. I'm sitting on my sofa and experiencing a nice warm glow from the knowledge that the UK is pushing out so much great new (not 'nu') metal right now. It heats my soul. Sad, but true.
Last night I went out with my buddies Lucy F and Katie B to see Exit Ten play in London. They were awesome, of course. Here's them:

...and if you wanna hear some of their latest stuff, go here.
They were supported by a young Welsh band called The Blackout. They have already supported the Lostprophets in Wales and stuff. They have 2 singers - one blond, one brown haired (that's how I tell them apart anyways). They aren't strictly metal, as such, more kinda a The Used meets Underoath type thingy - but they were certainly bouncy and people were going a bit mental. (Hear their stuff here) This is the brown haired singer (I guess he has a name.. but i don't know it.. ha ha):

Last up - but by no means least - are this band I heard today called Brotherhood Of The Lake (very metal name). They kinda sound like a mental Johnny Truant meets Lamb Of God gone British type thing. Hear it and them here. And check out this pic - skulls in a photo? Hell yeah!

Until next time, party on!
Ha ha


1 comment:

AgnesolaGoth46 said...

Good work Katie P. I read your blog from Italy!!!Bye bye!Life is Metal!!!!